Videos tagged with David Kennedy

  • Historian David Kennedy of Stanford University gives a brief presentation of U.S. presidential history, highlighting some of the major changes to the office in the last 200 years. This history prefaced a discussion about Trump's presidency for the first episode of the “Beyond COVID” series, co-produced by the Bolch Judicial Institute of Duke Law School and the American Law Institute.

    Also appearing: David F. Levi, Director of the Bolch Judicial Institute and Levi Family Professor of Law

  • David F. Levi, director of the Bolch Judicial Institute and president of the The American Law Institute, leads a panel discussion on the future of the American presidency. Panelists include David Kennedy, Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, Emeritus, Stanford University; Daphna Renan, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; Terry Moe, William Bennett Munro Professor of Political Science, Stanford University; and Jack L. Goldsmith, Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard University.

    Sponsored by the Bolch Judicial Institute and the American Law Institute.